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The LUNA changing basket is our newest changing basket addition. It’s a unique basket with prestige details. LUNA is made from rattan and designed with safety in mind having tall sides of 5.5 inches that make this a perfect lounging basket and fits most lounging pods. The handles are made in beautiful vegan leather with stunning details. 

•Made in 100% premium, eco-friendly and durable rattan. 

•Memory foam mattress with removable and water resistant Bamboo Jacquard blend cover.

•Ultra Soft Basket Liner made in a Bamboo blend designed to fit seamlessly within the basket.

•Luxury leaf shaped cotton liner ideal for milestone photos.

•Vegan leather changing mat

•Size: L 31 x W 17.5 x H 5.5 inches.

Handmade: Our products are handmade by mamas for mamas, in the comfort of their own homes. Each and every single piece is unique and has natural imperfections that create it’s ‘one of a kind’ beauty. This adds to the character and means no two products will be identical. -and we love that!